The Lord God made them all:
- Redundant DNA and RNA
- Noncoding DNA
- Birth defects
- Vestigial organs
- Pelvises in snakes, whales and legless creatures
- Flightless winged animals and insects
- Blind creatures with eyes
- Crustaceans without gills
- Predatory and parasitic animals
- Mammalian laryngeal nerve
- Heavy boned flying animals
- Optic nerve blind spot in our eye
- Degenerating eyesight
- Male nipples
- Wisdom teeth
- Tooth decay
- Human appendix
- Human embryonic tails
- Cancer
- One third of all human pregnancies miscarry in first trimester
- The exhaust next to the ignition!
- 2 thirds of earth uninhabitable to humans
- Large areas hostile to human life
- Harmful UV radiation
- 99% of all species that ever existed are extinct
- Tornadoes
- Hurricanes
- Droughts
- Floods
- Tsunamis
- Volcanoes
- Earthquakes
- Blizzards
- Sandstorms
- Wildfires
- Lightening
- Asteroid impacts
- Vast Universe unknowing or caring about human life